今天早上原本想学做代码帖的,可是我在那敲了半天桌子愣是没学会,因为我不会看代码也不会写代码,在那吹胡子瞪眼的瞪了半天,就是瞪不出点头绪来。所以我决定,我就不去做技术人士了,乖乖的想写什么就写什么吧,不被扣分就行了。而这首My Goodbye,是我刚找到没几天的歌曲,希望大家喜欢。在这还要感谢yanghaiboer今天早上的指导教会我怎么把地址给改成中文显示。

Brian一位从17岁就决定从事歌唱事业的荷兰歌手,他的第一首单曲就在德国空降排行榜第一,2004年底他很快与老家荷兰face-up唱片公司签约,只是这家公司不久就玩儿完了,留下brian形单影只无依无靠。在打了一堆的小零工之后,他为Do(vocalist on Dj Sammy & Yanou's classic "Heaven" remake)作了伴音而且又上了几档电视节目,又重回到了他音乐事业的正轨上。
《My Goodbye》是他08年新专《Brian Collection》中一首非常抒情的RNB!
I never thought that I would feel this way
All I ever wanted was for love to stay Bx
Baby hold me tight
Look into my eyes
Love has died
I know that this ain't right
I came to say goodbye
For the very last time
I never thought that I would feel this way
I'm still looking for the words to say
All I ever wanted was for love to stay
Right here in my arms, but you know
You know I'm not gonna be that strong
You know I can't keep on holding on and on
To what's gone, and now
You've been here loving me
I'll keep the memory, inside
But baby I've come down to my goodbye
My heart is filled with pain
Don't wanna play this game anymore, no no
Honey can't you see
You gotta set me free
'Cause I don't love you like before, no no nd3
You know I hate to say it but you got me wrong
We've been going through with this for far too long
I know you got to thinkin' that you might belong
Right here in my arms, but you know
This time I'm not hangin' on to hope
This time I'm not gonna be the ghost
That haunts you home
You've been here loving me
I'll keep the memory, inside
But baby I've come down to my goodbye
You've been here loving me
I'll keep the memory, inside
But baby I've come down to my goodbye
You've been here loving me
I'll keep the memory, inside
But baby I've come down to my goodbye
本帖最后由 得道色仙 于 2008-6-14 11:13 编辑 ]